Sunday, February 22, 2009


Where It's Found: North America

Migrate: no

Hybernate: yes

What It Eats: fish

Some Cool Facts: Crocodile are endangered.

Bald Eagle

Where It's Found: North America

Migrate: no

Hybernate: no

What It Eats worms,fish and mice

Some Cool Facts The Bald Eagale is the national animal of North America

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Where It's Found: Madagascar

Migrate: no

Hybernate: no

What They Eat: palnts, bugs and little mammels.

Some Cool Facts: Lemurs are relitives of apes and monkeys.

Black Panther

Where It's Found: North America and Lathin America.

Migrate: no

Hybernate: no

What It Eats: monkeys, wild pigs and reptiles.

Some Cool Facts: A black panther is acually a leporn with invicible spots.

Red Pandas

Where It's Found: Red Pandas are extinc

Migrate: no

Hybernate: no

What It Eats: leaves and grass.

Some Cool Facts: The Red Panda looks like a raccoon thats red. Scintests figured out that the red panda is apart of the raccon family not the bear family.


Where It's Found: China

Migrate: no

Hybernate: no

What It Eats: bamboo

Some Cool Facts: Pandas are endangered soyou can't see lot's of them. You can see Panda's in zoo's too!

Grizzly Bears

Where It's Found: Russia, UnitedStates, Alaska, Canada, and Finland.

Migrate: no

Hybernate: yes

What It Eats: fish.

Some Cool Facts: Grizzly Bears are not shy their mean! Sometimes when theyare looking for food they come near your house and eat your garbage!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Where It's Found: Antarctica.

Migrate: no

Hybernate: no

What It Eats: Krill and fish.

Some Cool Facts: The male penguins hatches the penguins and the female penguins looks for food.

Blue Whales

Where It's Found: Arctic and the Antarctic
Migrate: yes
Hybernate: no
What It Eat's: Krill
Some Cool Facts: Blue Whales are the biggest mammel alive.


Where does it live russia ,canada, nothern europe, and alaska.

Migrate: no

Hybernate: no

What Do They Eat: grass

Some Cool Facts: MuskOx weigth up to 500-900 pounds!

Snowy Owl

Where It's Found: nothern Canada and Alaska

Migrate: no


What They Eat: lemmings and hares.

Some Cool Facts: The Snowy Owl is 45-60 inches long.

Arctic Hare

Where It's Found: Canda, Greenland, and Alaska

Migrate: no

Hybernate: no

Whar It Eat's: mosses and liches.

Some Cool Facts: The Arctic Hare camouflage in the winter. In the winter their their white and in the summer their brown.

Arctic Fox

Where It's Found: Greenland, Russia, Canada, and Alaska.
What It Eats: any meat it can find, lemmings and Arctic Hare's
Some Cool Facts: The Arctic Fox are also called the white fox and the snow fox .


Where It's Found:
Canada and Alaska.



What It Eats: moss and liches.

Some Cool Facts: Caribou are capable of sleeping in water. In Europe they are called reindeer.

Polar Bears

Where it's found: Nothern Europe, Russia ,Alaska ,Greenland and Canada.

Migrate: no

Hybernate: no

What It Eats: Arctic Fox and Seals.

Some Cool Facts: Polar Bears have thick fur and extra layers of fat to keep warm.